NOTA IN ELECTION STANDS FOR – INDIAN ELECTIONS 2024 NOTA, or “None of the Above,” is an option on ballot papers in some jurisdictions, allowing voters to indicate disapproval of all candidates in an election. The concept originated in the United States and gained prominence in the 1976 Supreme Court case Burdick v. Takushi, where …

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INDIAN ELECTIONS 2024– The first general elections in India, held in 1951-1952, were a monumental event in the history of democracy. Despite widespread skepticism in the West about India’s ability to sustain a democratic system due to its diversity, poverty, and illiteracy, the country defied expectations and successfully conducted the largest democratic exercise the world …

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BHARAT BANDH 2024- As tensions simmer and voices of dissent grow louder, the agricultural landscape of India finds itself at the epicenter of a nationwide movement. The Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM), along with central trade unions, has called for a Gramin Bharat Bandh on February 16, a pivotal moment in the ongoing struggle for the …

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ALASKA POX VIRUS – 2024   Alaskapox, a member of the orthopoxvirus family, has emerged as a distinctive entity within the Alaskan ecosystem since its discovery in 2015. This virus, characterized by its brick-shaped structure, represents a subset of viruses known for their capacity to induce cutaneous lesions or pox in both animals and humans. …

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VASANT PANCHAMI 2024– Embracing Spring and Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge Vasant Panchami, also known as Basant Panchami, marks the arrival of spring in the Hindu calendar. Celebrated on the fifth day (Panchami) of the bright half of the Hindu lunisolar calendar month of Magha, typically falling in late January or early February, Vasant Panchami …

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valentine’s day -2024

valentine’s day –  The Origin and Evolution – Valentine’s Day, a celebration of love and affection, traces its roots back to ancient Rome and the festival of Lupercalia. During this pagan festival, held on February 15th, men sacrificed goats and dogs and then whipped women with the hides of the animals they had just slain. …

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FARMER PROTEST – EUROPE 2024 European Farmers Unrest: A Continent in Turmoil Across Europe, the rural landscapes have become battlegrounds as farmers voice their discontent through protests, blockades, and clashes with authorities. From France to Lithuania, a wave of agricultural unrest has swept the continent, fueled by grievances ranging from low earnings to environmental regulations. …

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Pakistan election 2024-

Pakistan election 2024-   Pakistan, a nation grappling with its democratic identity, is on the cusp of yet another electoral spectacle. As the country gears up for the general elections scheduled for Thursday, February 8, the stage is set for a contest that will shape its political trajectory for the next five years. At the …

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Election Awareness in India- 2024

Election Awareness in India: Addressing Challenges and Proposing Solutions Introduction: Elections in India are the cornerstone of its democratic fabric, providing citizens with the opportunity to choose their representatives and shape the future of the nation. However, despite being the largest democracy in the world, India faces several challenges in ensuring widespread election awareness and …

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World Cancer Day 2024-

World Cancer Day 2024- As the world commemorates World Cancer Day, it’s imperative to reflect on the staggering impact of this disease, which knows no boundaries and affects millions worldwide. From its causes to its prevention, understanding cancer is crucial in our collective fight against it. Causes– Cancer is not a singular disease but a …

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