“Dicey Democracy Dilemma: 2024 Elections in India and USA !



U.S.A became the grandmaster of democracy.So, way back in the ancient times of the late 18th century , a bunch of folks in tricorn hats and frilly shirts decided they were done with the whole British rule thing,the Declaration of Independence in 1776, a document Crafted by the brainpower of visionaries like Thomas Jefferson.

This declaration was a love letter to inalienable rights – life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.This radical notion became the cornerstone of a whole new ball game in governance.

The USA wasn’t just building a government; it was throwing a democracy party where every citizen had a VIP pass


Flashback to 1947, when India was the stage for the grand premiere of Independence. The British, tired of their imperial role, finally handed the mic to India.Mahatma Gandhi, the original master of peace and quiet rebellion, led the charge with his famous salt march, proving that sometimes the pen is mightier than the sword, especially if it’s dipped in ink and used to sign the end of British rule.

Fast forward to the big day – August 15, 1947 – when the tricolor flag soared high, The nation was officially free, and In 1950, the Constitution hit the scene, drafted by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and the drafting committee.

The democratic script featured universal suffrage, fundamental rights, and the kind of diversity that only India could pull off. Different languages, religions, and cultures? No problem! India embraced them.


In recent years, the pillars of democracy in both India and the United States have faced unprecedented challenges, casting shadows on the democratic foundations of these nations.


India: Struggling Press Freedom

One critical aspect of a thriving democracy is a free and vibrant press.Press is often termed as the 4th pillar of democracy but the building of india seems to be cracking up because of the vulnerability of the 4th pillar.

Death of Gauri lankesh is still a blot to the autonomy to the journalist.The arrest of journalists and activists, such as the case of Gautam Navlakha and Varavara Rao, under stringent laws, reflects a shrinking space for dissenting voices.

The fall of journalism into the hands of crony capitalists and the degradation of quality , turning into yellow journalism will leave no place for criticism even the constructive ones.

USA: Assault on Democratic Norms

The storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, during the certification of the presidential election results, showcased a shocking deviation from democratic principles. The spread of misinformation and baseless claims of election fraud fueled this attack on the heart of American democracy.

Seems like the preacher of peace and human rights forgot to discipline its own child.

India: Judicial Independence under Strain

power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely – lord acton

Another critical pillar of democracy is an independent judiciary that acts as a check on executive and legislative power. In India, the judiciary has faced challenges to its independence.

The appointment process for judges, coupled with allegations of political interference, has raised questions about the judiciary’s ability to function impartially.check and balance in democracy is hanging by a thread.

USA: Polarization 

USA being a melting pot of all cultures seems like a thing of past.In the United States, the increasing polarization  within the political system contribute to the decline in the effectiveness of democratic governance. The democracy seems to be saying ” I CANNOT BREATHE” ( R.I.P GEORGE FLOYD)

The rise of extreme partisanship, demonstrated by frequent government shutdowns and legislative stalemates, hampers the ability to address pressing issues and compromises the democratic ideal of effective representation.

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http://The New York Times www.nytimes.com New Transcripts Detail Last Moments for George Floyd (Published 2020)



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