Gyanvapi mosque- 2024


Deep within the fortified confines of the Gyanvapi mosque complex lies a place known as ‘Vyasji ka tehkhana.’


Recently, a Varanasi court permitted prayers to be conducted in this southern cellar area, sparking conversations about its historical significance and the complex dynamics surrounding it.

Vyasji ka tehkhana holds a profound historical and religious significance, serving as a sanctuary for prayers and rituals for over two centuries. Its origins trace back to the early 19th century when the British, who then governed India, allocated this space to the Vyas family for religious practices.

Since then, generations of the Vyas family, particularly Pandit Somnath Vyas, have upheld the tradition of conducting Hindu worship rituals within its walls.

However, the tranquility of this sacred space was disrupted in December 1993 when worship was abruptly halted by the government of the time, citing concerns for law and order.

This directive marked a significant shift, as the once vibrant hub of religious activity fell silent, leaving a void in the hearts of worshippers who had long revered this place.

The petitioner, Shailendra Pathak Vyas, emerges as a central figure in this narrative, representing not only a legal stance but also a deeply ingrained familial and cultural heritage.

As the maternal grandson of Pandit Somnath Vyas, Shailendra embodies the legacy of devotion and spiritual connection that defines the Vyas family.

The recent court ruling allowing prayers to resume in Vyasji ka tehkhana has reignited hope and optimism among devotees. It signifies not just a legal victory but also a reclaiming of a sacred space that holds profound religious and historical significance.

As the echoes of prayers reverberate once again within its walls, Vyasji ka tehkhana stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of faith and resilience amidst the ever-changing tides of time.


Vyasji ka tehkhana is a cellar located within the Gyanvapi mosque complex in Varanasi. It holds historical and religious significance as a site where Hindu prayers and rituals were conducted for over two centuries.

The name “Vyasji ka tehkhana” is derived from the Vyas family, who were traditionally responsible for conducting worship rituals within this space.

The cellar is approximately 7 feet tall with a carpet area of around 900 square feet. It is situated in the southern area of the mosque’s barricaded complex, facing the Nandi statue inside the Kashi Vishwanath complex near the sanctum sanctorum.


Despite being part of a mosque complex, Vyasji ka tehkhana has been associated with Hindu religious practices, including the worship of various deities such as Lord Hanuman, Ganesh, and Shiva.

However, worship in this space was halted in December 1993, following a directive from the government citing concerns for law and order.

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